Circular Ruins
It is a story
about a magician’s dream. At first of the story, he wants to create a man by
his dream. And finally, with the fire’s help, he successes, and the man becomes
a “real” man and a part of the “reality”. However, the man and other people may
not know he is just a dream of the magician. And only the god of fire and the
magician know fire can prove the man is not real.
I think the last
part in this novel is interesting. “He walked into the tatters of flame, but
they did not bite his flesh—they caressed him, bathed him without heat and
without combustion. With relief, with humiliation, with terror, he realized
that he, too, was but appearance, that another man was dreaming him. “
reading this story, I begin to wonder if the world in our eyes is real or maybe
it is just a person’s dream? But if our world is a person’s dream, the world
that the person lives could also be someone’s dream. Just like a labyrinth,
which has not exit.
The Library of Babel
Luis Borges wants to show the universe in his mind in this novel. He thinks the
universe is like a library with “infinite number of hexagonal galleries”. Because
the letters can compose infinite words, his universe is infinite. Also, he
names the library “Babel” because it is a heaven to him. Books are his belief.
I read this novel a few times, but I cannot understand a lot of details that Jorge
Luis Borges talks about. However, I think he believes the uncountable books in
the library are the labyrinths, because the same books are always infinitely
published. Their repeatability becomes the order of his universe.